(dia buzz aku dulu FYI)
Enix: ya budak
orked -: ya de ape buzz?
Enix: bile masa aku buzz
Enix: adoi
orked -: eh..u buzz i dulu okey..
orked -:
Enix: hoh
Enix: siyes?
Enix: ade bg msg eh pastu
orked -: yup..
orked -: so what u want from me ha sombong guy?
Enix: i didnt buzz u >-<
Enix: sombong eh
Enix: ..
orked -: u buzz me..
Enix: nope..
orked -: ya u sombong..
orked -: sombong giler..
orked -: giler pun x mcm u
Enix: ok fine
Enix: what u want me to do
Enix: pm u every nite n day?
Enix: hantas msg every second
Enix: ?
orked -: what hantas..?
orked -: just a friend lah
orked -: if u wanna out just tell me first...
orked -: if u dont like me just delete my name n click me as spam
Enix: er.
Enix: why so marah?
orked -: am i look mad..?
Enix: yup
orked -: nothing besause im think i do something wrong to u..
Enix: uve yet done wrong to me lah
Enix: haha
orked -: but its not the time to blame mysalve again n again
Enix: ok2
Enix: rileks
Enix: ape citer ni
Enix: kau mcm x ok
Enix: ?
orked -: arr...stupid
orked -: why guy always not understand..?
orked -: even simple things..
Enix: u called this as simple?
orked -: im too tired..
orked -: im not worty of..
Enix: ok2 orked
Enix: rilekkkkss.
Enix: ada apa2 jadi hari ni?
orked -: nothing..
orked -: im wokey
Enix: okey
Enix: if u need anything im here k
orked -: u here..? just keep ur words
Enix: ye la?
Enix: im still here?
orked -: ya..u there..its not funny
Enix: ok then u tell me whats wrong
orked -: wanna fight with me..?
orked -: lets fight..
orked -: pleashhhh
Enix: fine
Enix: what u rly wnt from me?
orked -: nk fight dalam english x best..i change my language
Enix: lol k
orked -: pe kau ingat kau bagus sangat ke..
Enix: aku x pk camtu pun? ape yg buat kau fikir aku bagus?
orked -: alah..le la ki..
orked -: bile sorang..kecut/kecik cam tikus..
orked -: tikus pun lagi besar..
Enix: ape masalah kau seh
orked -: bile ramai..mulelah..
orked -: meluat..
Enix: ape aku dah buat kt kau?
orked -: so chaildis
Enix: ok kau beritahu aku
Enix: ape aku dah buat kt kau?
orked -: wei..belah lah..
orked -: lagi mau tanya ke.
Enix: ni sape ni
orked -: kau int aku perempuan
orked -: dont look at me as im a gurl..
orked -: okey..?
Enix: sbb orked i know IS A GIRL
orked -: u get my words..?
Enix: nope. u words is confusing k thnx
orked -: dah lah..
orked -: simpe jelah kate2 kau untuk minah leh..
orked -: org len boleh lah..
Enix: heh
Enix: tetibe marah
Enix: period?
Enix: aku suh cite ape yg tak kena, tak mau
orked -: i can be devil just like that
orked -: oh kalau pompuan marah..period..
orked -: kalau laki marah ape..?
orked -: lu pk lah sendiri..
Enix: bila aku marah kau?
Enix: tolong beritau
orked -: i just wanna fight with u..with no reason..
orked -: layan je lah
Enix: haih
Enix: u r being weird
Enix: ..?
orked -: thats why lah i said guy is difficult..
Enix: no youre the one who make this look dificult
orked -: ek eleh..
orked -: pernah x kau rase kau grm sngt kt org tu tp kau x dapat marah dia
Enix: tak pernah
orked -: huh..
orked -: innocent lah konon..
Enix: tak
orked -: nvm..
orked -: what ever..
Enix: aku tak innocent
orked -: ingat comel lah tu...
orked -: gelikkk aku tgk..
Enix: haha
Enix: tade je
Enix: suke tgk ko camni
Enix: sengal tak tentu pasal
orked -: eleh leh...
orked -: dah lah..
orked -: semua tu tektik lame..
orked -: ayat novel..
Enix: hahahhahahaha
Enix: adoyai
Enix: sumpah aku tatau ape masalah kau do
orked -: bile pompuan marah..nnti that guy mule lah cakap..suke lah tgk awak marah..nampak cantik..
orked -: meluat gile aku dgr..
Enix: pempuan nmpk comel bila dia mrh sbb syg
orked -: rase nk terajang time tu jugak..
Enix: ko nmpk tah hape sbb marah tah hape
Enix: heh
Enix: cakap lebih
orked -: wei..cakap belit2 cam keling..
orked -: ade hati nk ngate aku..
orked -: balik lah tmpt asal mu..
Enix: ko yg ckp bebelit
Enix: bajet best
orked -: aku x pernah bajet aku best..
orked -: not even once..
Enix: haha
Enix: skang ni aku nmpk byk je kau bajet best
orked -: its up to you..that ur opinion
Enix: yup thats mine
orked -: ape aku nk kisah..
orked -: e2 je ke..?
orked -: ha..?
Enix: itu je
Enix: kau nk ape lagi?
orked -:
orked -: ya..guy..!
Enix: hahahha
Enix: ko fikir kau hebat yg kau ni faham lelaki
Enix: ahhahahhahhaha
orked -: alah cakap ngan kau..x payah lah..
Enix: hhahah
Enix: dah tade idea
Enix: sian dia
Enix: tadi ckp nk hebat
orked -: whos say..
orked -: buang karen je cakap dgn kau..
Enix: AKU yg buang karen cko ngan kau
Enix: hahahha
orked -: tergedik2 keluarkan icon tu
Enix: hahahhaha
Enix: dah pulak kluar ikon pon x boleh
Enix: sejak bila
orked -: REALLY..?SO PITY...
Enix: hahahahhaha
Enix: sayang...
Enix: dah asar lum?
orked -: .dah le..mak aku dah nk balik ni..aku x masak pe lagi..wei..cou dlu..thanks temankan aku fight ptg ni..
orked -: for ur imformation aku dah asar..
and shes off.
Siyes aku x faham perempuan ni. Dahla typo merata (boleh penuh Kamus Update aku nih)