Sunday, March 15, 2009

So you are a cupcake lover?

so you definitely want to check out this;


Rasa sedap. Rasa manis. Home-baked cupcakes, with wide of variations of design for pickings.
One thing I've learn from the baker;

Theres no such thing as love at first sight. You have to actually, 'taste' , to love.

Few pictures taken from the actual chirpy-cake blog for the eye candy.

Wait what?

Thats me with the cuppy baker. Check out her blog. Get some tasteful of sweetness from her!


  1. cik kak ni lawa kan. suka aku tengok beliau..

  2. alamak..saya terrblushing di sini.
    ngeh.time kaseh kalian di atas sokongan :)
