Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Review : Talentime

My first movie review, though banyak kali aku terfikir nak buat macam-macam review but was put on hold 'cause of my busyness, rasanya yang ni I can't hold back. I just got back from watching it and I can't help saying this over and over again, it was a GREAT MOVIE.

Talentime (or Talentime Gala @ Tale & Time)
Another Masterpiece by Yasmin Ahmad.
(cant find any bigger poster, so i'm sorry)

Like I said, it was a MASTERPIECE. The plot is great, The casting is great dan the way Yasmin Ahmad twist the plot to create konflik adalah sangat-sangat brilliant. There's no main focus in the movie though, which different dengan hasil-hasil karya Yasmin Ahmad yang lepas-lepas, but then, the movie urges us, critical viewers to think, on how to resolve a simple matter, yet was brought dificult as the time goes.

"It happens. All the time,"
- Harith Iskandar

I cried more than 5 times while watching this movie. I'm not going to say which scene (sebab still tamau spoil for you guys yang belum tengok :D) but those scenes, will deeply touch viewers heart (for those still have conscience) even I found lawak-lawak yang cuba diketengahkan Yasmin Ahmad dalam filem ini is more to America@British style, which is another BRILIANT job. I enjoyed every second of it.

Pada sesiapa yang dah tengok flem ni, but still didn't get this or that, or maybe some us us found it was lame to bring such joke to the eye of viewers, think again. This is just what we need. We we never obligated to follow specific rule in enjoying what has been served before us.

Pada aku lah, this film a bit more musical since ada banyak scene yang melibatkan thoughts of Melur dan Hafiz, since both of them participating in the talentime by performing on piano and guitar, respectively. Nothing bad about being musical, Yasmin Ahmad. My Kudos to you :)
"the musical thing" yang actually drives this movie to be more interesting and make viewers cry their heart out XD seriously. I was touched (reaaaaaaaaaaalllly touched) by the song sang by Hafiz to his beloved. It really goes deep in this heart, and for that split second, I remembered to my beloved too...

Aku kena carik OST filem ni, seriously. Even the hindi song that was aired in the middle of the movie was so soothing to hear, and leaves us in deep thoughts of what life is all about.

Selalunya filem-filem yang buat aku touching ni, aku pergi tengok dua tiga kali. Theres nothing to lose for such Masterpiece. I'll be doing so sometime later (tgk movie ni lagi).

In a nutshell, this movie is A-MUST-WATCH. Kecuali sesiapa yang tak mahu fikir heavy-heavy dan touching lebey, tak payah la tengok. Those who feeling musical, go watch this movie, dan yup not forgot to mention, bawa sajalah kawan India dan Cina anda, this movie is meant to be watch together as it promotes multiracial harmony. Good job in doing subliminal social obligation, Yasmin :)

Thanks for the Masterpiece, Yasmin Ahmad.


  1. nak tengok nak tengok!!
    adeh, bile nk tgk nihhhhh...

    ehem, feel lebih sbb character hafiz tu nama sama kot? tu yg nangis lebih 5 kali..hihihi

  2. haha,itu lah sarah.aku pk pon begitu gakkk.

  3. heheh. mari tgk (lagi) then :)

    aku lupa nak mention, poems2 yg dibaca oleh Melur sgt best.

    aku google tapi tadek source. bencik.
